Deborah de Luca
Deborah de Luca
DJThe profile is unclaimed.All booking requests will be sent to the talent or their representatives.
Identity verifiedDeborah de Luca's Identity has been verified.
Moderate cancellation policyFull refund 28 days prior to event start time.
Born under the shade of the sails of Scampia, difficult neighborhood at the periphery of Naples. Born in 1980, she embarked on a career in the music world working very hard , starting as a waitress in many clubs and then as a dancer for several years.Nata all’ombra delle vele di Scampia, quar...
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Dance / Electronic
Italian Techno
Top Spotify Tracks
Things To Know
Deborah de LucaDJ
The profile is unclaimed.All booking requests will be sent to the talent or their representatives.
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AGNT satisfaction guaranteeWe promise a 100% satisfaction guarantee on all bookings, or your money back.